Important news about HackSpace

We have some important news to share about HackSpace: Issue 81 was the last issue of HackSpace as a standalone magazine, and HackSpace has become part of The MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine. Starting with issue 145, We’ll be adding pages to The MagPi to make room for the stories and tutorials you’ve come to expect from HackSpace.

Back Issues

Issue 32

This month we're looking at the makers pushing the limits by going higher, faster and further than makers have gone before.

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Issue 31

At the moment, lots of us are spending a bit more time at home than usual. Let's make the most of the hacking potential here and upgrade our houses with extra features to make our lives a little easier.

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Issue 30

The Arduino ecosystem is fantastic and covers a huge range of hardware and software, but this size can mean some of it's best bits are a little hard to find. In this issue, we pick out our 75 top tips for building awesome Arduino projects

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Issue 29

Woodworking has always seemed equal parts challenging and inviting to us. Where do you even start? You start here: we’ve taken the complex art of woodworking and distilled it to the basics. The tools, the materials you need, and a first project that will get you well on your way to building your own unique creations.

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Issue 28

You don't have to understand electronics to be a maker, but adding a few billion electrons can add light, interactivity, motion, or (some limited) intelligence to the things you make. In this issue we'll help you get started with electronics and build better circuits.

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Issue 27

The Raspberry Pi is the world's favourite little computer. From facial recognition to underwater cameras to smart prosthetic arms, we explore the ways that makers have used the Raspberry Pi to build fantastic creations.

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Issue 26

What's the best 3D printer? We asked real users about their experiences with their own printers, and here are the results. Find your perfect 3D printer with out guide.

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Issue 25

It's Chriiiisstmaaaas! We've dug through mountains of maker gear to bring you our top picks for maker's Christmas presents. Whether you're looking to treat a loved one, or looking to fill up your own Christmas list, we've got the bits you need.

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Issue 24

Learn how to use the ancient art of using yeast to turn sugar into delicious alcoholic (and non alcoholic) drinks. We look at DIY mead, cider, kombucha and beer

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Issue 23

Turn to the fun (and dark) side of making with a look at the best crazy, creative Halloween builds around – then have a go at making your own!

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Issue 22

Why spend years learning to play a musical instrument when you could program a robot to do it for you? This month, we show you how to build a glockenspiel-playing robot.

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Issue 21

Raspberry Pi 4 model B: It’s the new kid on the single board computer block, and it’s got more power, speed, memory, IO options and more, yet it’s still packed into the same credit card sized space…

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