Important news about HackSpace

We have some important news to share about HackSpace: Issue 81 was the last issue of HackSpace as a standalone magazine, and HackSpace has become part of The MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine. Starting with issue 145, We’ll be adding pages to The MagPi to make room for the stories and tutorials you’ve come to expect from HackSpace.

Back Issues

Issue 20

Maker perfection is a journey not a destination. We’re all permanent students, and there’s always more to learn, so we’ve pulled together 50 of our top maker tips in this issue to help you be a bet…

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Issue 19

Robots! We’re living in the 2019, but we don’t yet have robot butlers. We can’t get you all the way to your own electronic servant, but this month we show you how to build your own walking robot. W…

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Issue 18

This issue we look beyond the confines of our small planet into the great cosmos beyond. We discover makers building their own satellites, the hackers providing ground support for space craft and f…

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Issue 17

Arduinos let you add programable control to your projects in a simple, standardised way. We take a look at how to get started, our favourite Arduino-compatible boards and addons and how to use the…

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Issue 16

LEDs are often the first component beginner’s use, but they can also be highly expressive. We look at what it takes to make LED art We also chat with Jasmine Brackett from Tindie and take a look at…

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Issue 15

Lights, Camera, Flames! We journey inside the underground bunker of explosive inventor Colin Furze to learn about his record-breaking makes. We also delve further into the world of electronics as w…

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Issue 14

Grab your soldering iron, it’s time to make some music. We take a look at how to build a modular synth complete with sequencer. Press the buttons, twiddle the knobs and you’ll be able to create a u…

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Issue 13

Turn your hobby into a business and start generating cash from your making. Whether you want to earn a little to spruce up your workshop, or are looking for a change of career, we can help you take…

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Issue 12

Five … Four … Three … Two … One. This month we build our own rocket, and you should too. It’s easy to get started and one of the most exciting ways to exercise your maker skills. Oh, and did we men…

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Issue 11

Maker hardware – there’s so much around right now, but how do you pick the best bits for your projects? We’ve enlisted the help of Alex Glow, hardware nerd at Hackster to help. We also make a Midi…

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Issue 10

Drones, multirotors, flying machines – call them what you like – they’re taking over our skies. We show you how to build your own so you can fully customise it for exactly your needs. We also chat…

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Issue 9

Tools: they help us give form to our ideas but which ones to you need? We take a look at 50 of our favourite maker tools to help you equip your workshop. We also build an auto-targeting water canno…

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