Important news about HackSpace

We have some important news to share about HackSpace: Issue 81 was the last issue of HackSpace as a standalone magazine, and HackSpace has become part of The MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine. Starting with issue 145, We’ll be adding pages to The MagPi to make room for the stories and tutorials you’ve come to expect from HackSpace.

HackSpace magazine — Issue 31

At the moment, lots of us are spending a bit more time at home than usual. Let’s make the most of the hacking potential here and upgrade our houses with extra features to make our lives a little easier.

  • Learn how to use a vinyl cutter to make a pop-up card
  • Design bespoke ornaments in Tinkercad
  • Get to know the work of iFixit, the world's largest online repair manual
  • Find a perfect maker kit to beat boredom and teach you new skills

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