Back Issues
Issue 80
Best 3D Printer 2024: Prusa vs Bambu. It’s the battle of the big ones, as we pit some of the best 3D printers available today against each other and see which one of them is left standing.
Issue 79
The great outdoors is all very well, but you can always make it better with a bit of tech. Upgrade nature with 3D printing, LEDs and more. Shame we can’t do anything about the weather.
Issue 78
Dust off your crystal ball: we’re looking into the future! Meet the industry insiders who are leading DIY tech, and find out where the big changes are coming. Or at least, we think so — the future…
Issue 77
Until humans develop a mind–machine link, we’re stuck with keyboards, mice, and number pads. But they don’t have to be the boring beige devices of yesteryear: with open source hardware, you can cre…
Issue 76
There are two kinds of workshops: the organic, bottom-up mess of tools, dust, and scrap bits and bobs; and the luxury state of hardware that you could have if you put a bit of time and effort into…
Issue 75
The trouble with capitalism is that you can only buy what someone else wants to sell you: if you want something truly unique you need to build it yourself. Luckily for us – and the makers we’ve rou…
Issue 74
This issue we present to you the best maker tech around – a superb selection of toys to delight, inspire and generally improve your making.
Issue 73
Raspberry Pi 5 robotics. You’ve got your hands on a Raspberry Pi 5 – now use the improved I/O capabilities and processing power of the Raspberry Pi 5 to build a robot that can (almost) think for it…
Issue 72
We’ve had our hands on the Raspberry Pi 5 for a while; now it’s time to put it though its paces. From machine learning to building a home server, we see how the new computer works in the real world.
Issue 71
The inside story of Raspberry Pi 5: faster, better, more power-switchy. How $25 million dollars, 8 years of development and one very highly engineered on/off button combined to make the most Raspbe…
Issue 70
Artificial intelligence is going to be everywhere soon, and if you can control it, you’re ahead of the game. This issue we’re looking at the amazing world of AI: how to create with it, how to spot…
Issue 69
Make the great outdoors even greater, with DIY a selection of electronics projects to put the geekery back into summer.