Respect your safety
What happens when you become complacent
We have some important news to share about HackSpace: Issue 81 was the last issue of HackSpace as a standalone magazine, and HackSpace has become part of The MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine. Starting with issue 145, We’ll be adding pages to The MagPi to make room for the stories and tutorials you’ve come to expect from HackSpace.
Respect your safety
What happens when you become complacent
Kickstarting now: modular transport devices from Infento
Are your kids bored with their scooter? Turn it into a go-cart!
How to see your name up in (cheap) lights
What can we do with a sheet of generic WS2812B LEDs with no support and no documentation?
Musical Machines of Manchester
I for one welcome our recycled robot orchestra overlords, and so should you
Measure for measure
Measuring tape isn't just a tool: it's a medium for creativity
Adventures in mini-gaming part 1
Tiny retro gaming alert! Tear down a cheap arcade cabinet for fun and profit. Actually, just fun…
Turn your TV into a home assistant using Raspberry Pi
Overcoming legal and technical challenges to make a better Alexa
Affordable plotting
Want to turn your programming skills into art? Try this – it turns out ths really can be fun!
Simba-Pro review
Miniaturise your Bluetooth builds with a board that's the size of a fingernail
Adafruit Crickit for Circuit Playground Express review
Get even more value for money out of your Adafruit CPX with this excellent add-on
Work smarter, not harder
If you want to do more, you've got to start by doing less of the stuff that stops you doing more. Got it?
Issue 8 on sale now!
There's a new issue of HackSpace magazine, and it's coming for