Important news about HackSpace

We have some important news to share about HackSpace: Issue 81 was the last issue of HackSpace as a standalone magazine, and HackSpace has become part of The MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine. Starting with issue 145, We’ll be adding pages to The MagPi to make room for the stories and tutorials you’ve come to expect from HackSpace.

HackSpace magazine — Issue 44

When Newton spoke of standing on the shoulder of giants, he might have been thinking of the Raspberry Pi Pico and Arduino. We delve deep into the Arduino ecosystem and find out how to harness its power for your next Pico project.

  • Get excited about the possibilities of machine learning with Shawn Hymel
  • Fame, fortune and glory with Simone Giertz and her brand-new sensible builds
  • WinDIY: a beautiful, Quixotic tilt at building a home-made 3D printed windmill
  • Send signals to USB via the humble web browser
  • … and loads more!

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