Universal remote control

By Ben Everard. Posted

Reddit user Armerdan needed a device to replace an old Logitech Harmony 512 universal remote. Like an absolute genius, they decided to model the replacement device on a ‘1950s sci-fi death-ray blaster-type thing’. If you squint hard enough, you can make out that this device, which is based on an Arduino Pro Micro, uses an enclosure from a guitar effects pedal. What might escape you at second glance is that the antenna is made from a couple of transparent plastic yo-yos that have been drilled out, topped off with a drawer knob.

The maker isn’t 100% happy with how this device looks (even though it looks awesome!). The joystick, while functional, isn’t in keeping with the aesthetic they’re going for, so in the near future, that’ll probably be replaced with a miniature red ball on a silver pole. We reckon it’s perfect as it is, though – if you watch the original Star Wars film closely enough, you’ll notice that all their sci-fi weaponry is bits of broom-handle held together with sticky tape. In comparison, this is a paragon of design harmony.


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