Soda Can Stove

By Mayank Sharma. Posted

If you love camping, you'll love Andrew's nifty portable soda can stove. This is actually Andrew’s second build, which is a lot more efficient than the original design, as he demonstrates in the video.

The build requires a couple of cans to create the three parts of the stove; a top ring, an inside wall, and a bottom. Andrew cuts the parts using simple cutters that he’s made specially for this build. The cutters are just blocks of wood cut in a particular height with a utility blade screwed to the top.

Andrew says you can cut the cans with a knife as well, but the cutters will help you save a considerable amount of time, especially if you want to make several stoves. Follow the video to see Andrew cut out the various parts from the two cans and then use a file to add creases to the inside wall of the stove.

He then drilled 1/32” holes in the top ring of the stove. The holes define the size of the flame, so you can use larger drill bits for a bigger flame. He finally tapes the parts together using some metal tape to create a leak-proof seal.

From HackSpace magazine store


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