To show the effects of being exposed to space dust, model-makers would deliberately damage the surface of the models, making them look more realistic – a process known as dirtying down. Think of how ‘lived-in’ the sets and models used in, say Red Dwarf or Alien look, and compare them with those of Flash Gordon, whose director expressly forbade anything to be dirtied down, instead opting for a brand-new, pristine look that translates onto the screen as looking fake.
Anyway, apart from the Raspberry Pi 400, the screen, and the lens, the rest of this build is 3D-printed in PETG on a Bambu A1. It was designed in Fusion 360 and took 75 hours of printing time and 2.2 kg of filament. To achieve the weathered look, Rick used a mixture of acrylic floor polish and soil from his garden, adding years of wear and tear in just a few minutes.