“I found giving good examples of how it could be used and documentation helps.”
“For anything technical (physical or virtual): documentation and examples. Don’t be afraid to do an extra step if it improves clarity. For anything artistic: Kill your darlings – excise what doesn’t fit well, without mercy.”
“For any electronics products, it has to be PCBs. They make it possible to scale and simplify building and add reliability.”
“Cabling and connectors are very important. Also simplify as much as possible.”
“Make it, put it up for sale, sell it, listen to feedback, refine it. (Also, try to make it fit within a ‘large letter’ size package to reduce postage costs).”
“Without banging on about making sure it doesn’t explode and/or do something dangerous, make them quick to turn around and market yourself. Nobody will buy your thing if they don’t know it exists.”
“Put it in a nice box.”
“Hire a museum to exhibit the stuff. I did.”
“Take good photos, and don’t be afraid to brag – chances are, it’s already beautiful”
The final word, though, came from @WokStation...
“Hide the glue”