Important news about HackSpace

We have some important news to share about HackSpace: Issue 81 was the last issue of HackSpace as a standalone magazine, and HackSpace has become part of the Raspberry Pi Official Magazine. Starting with issue 145, We’ll be adding pages to the Raspberry Pi Official Magazine to make room for the stories and tutorials you’ve come to expect from HackSpace.

Look! Shiny things!

By Andrew Gregory. Posted

You may not thank us for mentioning it, but Christmas is less than a month away. Amid the orgy of consumption that is the modern festive season, you can indulge your love of shiny things while also keeping waste silicon out of the landfill, as Tanya Fish, STEM outreach polygeek and maker of these pieces explains:

"I work at a place that manufactures electronics, and so there were often sweepings left on the floor, or in the bottom of the pick-and-place machine. They’d be uneconomical to replace on PCBs by hand, so I grabbed a tin of leftovers, and started making them into jewellery. I added NFC tags to some pendants to make interactive jewellery, but in most cases the beauty of the components speaks for itself. It’s insane, the amount of electronic waste we generate, so with a root through a skip full of old printers, toasters, and the like, I took the PCBs and started snipping off the components to recover them.

Component jewellery 3

Component jewellery 2

"I set the salvaged components in artist-quality resin, and then made them into something you could wear to show off the components every day. Hair grips, pendants, key chains, it’s all salvaged and happy to see another life.

"I’m an educator, and an electronics enthusiast, who travels to spread the good word of circuits. Every piece that you buy enables me to carry on travelling, and spreading the word of how awesome electronics is."

From HackSpace magazine store

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