Furby Borges

By Ben Everard. Posted

In 2018, Roni Bandini hacked a Furby to turn it into a Jorge Luis Borges-quoting animatronic. He left as many components in situ as possible, only bypassing the audio, to create an effect that worked, but wasn’t as good as it could have been.

Five years later, the JL Borges Furby is reborn. Roni has removed the original electronics that controlled the Furby’s mouth and eyes, opting to replace them with an Arduino Nano and an H-bridge. He’s got rid of the original sound effects equipment, replacing it with a DFRobot DFPlayer Mini MP3 player. He’s also used a passive infrared sensor, so that whenever someone walks past the furry they’re treated to a snippet of the great Argentinian writer’s work.


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