Castlevania Cube

By Andrew Gregory. Posted

We’re suckers for shiny stuff at HackSpace Towers, and so we love this beautiful, skinny, interactive LED matrix. Its creator, Greig Stewart, has released several videos showing animations on its surface, but we think the best use for it is as a games device.

Greig has got it to play the ancient Nintendo classic Castlevania. The cube spins as you move the game’s protagonist through the levels: stop moving the sprite, and the cube stops spinning. It’s utterly mesmerising.

The cube uses six Adafruit 64×64 LED matrices, mounted on a 3D-printed frame to form a cube. There’s a Raspberry Pi 4 to play the emulated NES game, which is joined up to the LEDs with an Adafruit LED Matrix Raspberry Pi Bonnet.

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