Binary Scarf

By Andrew Gregory. Posted

On the hottest day ever recorded in Britain, we bought a scarf. Not just any scarf though: this one has a quotation from Ada Lovelace encoded into it.

Creator Sam Meech is an artist based in England’s creatively fecund North West, who among many other endeavours has made a small range of knitwear with techy messages knitted into them.

As Sam puts it, “Binary scarves are a series of knitwear informed by the ASCII text system of encoding text to binary. Each design contains a quote related to either computers, binary, patterns, digital art, or repetition. The designs are presented within the constraints of a standard 24-stitch punchcard pattern repeat. The scarves have been produced in collaboration with a factory in Manchester, ironically named Unique Knitwear.”

Our scarf carries the message, “The Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves. Ada Lovelace, 1843”.

From HackSpace magazine store


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